A blessed second week of Advent to all. Once our attention is drawn to the Healthcare debate that is going on in the Senate. We must not put aside the Social aspects of this disastrous bill and focus only on the Abortion issue. Before we get to abortion let us remember that this bill will add an over One Trillion dollars to the taxpayer burden. An if anyone thinks that it will not fall on the shoulders of the average Joe, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. We as Catholic Christian can not sit by and allow our Congressional Representatives to add more debt to an already over burdened population. We will discuss the "death panels" at a later date. I have included a part of an article that appeared in my hometown newspaper, Philadelphia Inquirer. The part you will find below deals with Congressman Kennedy's take on his support of abortion as a Catholic. We still have apostles out there that are working to bring Christ message to the people. Let us begin with the following:
The Elephant in the Room: Catholics must heed teachings
By Rick Santorum
The health-care debate has provided its share of teachable moments. The one at hand has little to do with health care.
The catalyst, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, supports government-guaranteed health care. However, its support hinges on an amendment barring government funding of abortions.
The bishops' stance infuriated Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D., R.I.). "You mean to tell me the Catholic Church is going to be denying those people lifesaving health care? I thought they were pro-life," he told the Catholic News Service.
Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, R.I., pointed out that the bishops do support lifesaving health care for all - including the unborn. Kennedy countered that his support for legal abortion doesn't make him "any less of a Catholic," because the Catholic faith "acknowledges the existence of an imperfect humanity."
Tobin realized that Kennedy was no longer arguing about health policy, but rather about what it means to be Catholic. Unlike some bishops, this protégé of Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua did not let Kennedy's distortion go unchallenged.
"If you don't accept the teachings of the church, your communion with the church is flawed," he wrote in an open letter to Kennedy last month, "or, in your own words, makes you 'less of a Catholic.' "
Tobin then turned to the real issue: What makes one a Catholic? Baptism? Family? Culture?
More than that, Tobin said. Being a Catholic "means that you believe and accept the teachings of the church, especially on essential matters of faith and morals; that you belong to a local Catholic community, a parish; that you attend Mass on Sundays and receive the sacraments regularly; that you support the church personally, publicly, spiritually, and financially."
Our next apostle is a coptic priest for is risking his life to get the message of the Gospel to those who have been denied it by the laws of their country. Please take a few minutes to read this link. http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/shows/cwn/2009/November/Coptic-Priest-Fearlessly-Spreading-Gods-Word/
Lastly an article from the Boston Herald that is noteworthy of attention.
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