US bishops call Senate health bill ‘an enormous disappointment’
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, and Bishop John Wester of Salt Lake City are urging US senators to change provisions of the Senate’s health care reform legislation so that taxpayers and religious institutions would not be compelled to fund abortions. The US Senate voted 60-39 on November 21 to permit debate on the measure. . . .
Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, Bishop William Murphy of Rockville Centre, and Bishop John Wester of Salt Lake City are urging US senators to change provisions of the Senate’s health care reform legislation so that taxpayers and religious institutions would not be compelled to fund abortions. The US Senate voted 60-39 on November 21 to permit debate on the measure. . . .
This is the header that appeared in Catholic Culture on line on Nov. 23 of this year. When will the Catholic Bishops of this country come down form their Ivory Tower? The Phillis losing the Word Series is a "disappointment", the inclusion of Abortion Funding in ObamaCare is a travesty of Moral Justice. Once again I will remind the bishops that our Democrat president was one of FOUR who voted against the Born Alive Bill. He (Obama) was quite at ease in allowing infants to lay in closets and die in order to keep his Pro-Choice friends happy. Not too much "happiness" for the infants slaughtered. No big surprise that the Democrats would include abortion funding in the Health Bill. TAKE NOTE YOUR EXCELLENCIES: ABORTION IS A MAJOR PLANK IN THE DEMOCRAT POLICY PLATFORM. It will not go away until the good people who support the Democrats force them to change their far left policies and that is not about to happen anytime soon.
On an equally disturbing note---have you noticed how people are feeling a great unspoken unease for the past several months? Why? Not too much Hope and a lot of frightening Change.
I have hear over the past few weeks a number of items that in themselves are most disturbing but the following two make it to the top of the list.
ONE--- Despite protest by so called “Pro Life senators such as Casey of Pennsylvania and the promises of our president Obama, abortion funding finds its way into the disastrous ObamaCare Bill. Please make a call an register your dismay with this very expected turn of events. We were treated to any number of lies form the President but when our own senators turn their backs on the will of the people it is time to raise your voices loud and clear. Here is a link to the Congress and the Senate members. Tell them to stop this murderous persecution of the unborn.
and now----
Archbishop Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil, procurator of the Syrian Catholic Patriarchate in Rome.
The prelate, 71, said that in Iraq's social system, Christians have no supports to defend themselves, thus becoming easy victims of common criminals or terrorist groups. .
He said their situation can be called a "religious persecution" caused by a social system that is inspired by a view of the Quran, according to which Islam and its followers must dominate and regard believers of other religions as citizens with fewer rights.
The archbishop, expert in Arab culture and literature, explained that according to the Quran, Islam is a religion that is above all others.
Dear friends the entire article can be found in Catholic Culture on line.
While driving to school one morning, I was flipping through the car radio and I hear a tels-evangelist say " We are not persecuted for our religion here in American and in many other countries of Europe because evil people only persecute that which is different form them. Our religion has become like the culture----degenerate." I quote this as I remember it but non-the- less it is something to ponder.
Be well and God Bless
I have hear over the past few weeks a number of items that in themselves are most disturbing but the following two make it to the top of the list.
ONE--- Despite protest by so called “Pro Life senators such as Casey of Pennsylvania and the promises of our president Obama, abortion funding finds its way into the disastrous ObamaCare Bill. Please make a call an register your dismay with this very expected turn of events. We were treated to any number of lies form the President but when our own senators turn their backs on the will of the people it is time to raise your voices loud and clear. Here is a link to the Congress and the Senate members. Tell them to stop this murderous persecution of the unborn.
and now----
Archbishop Jules Mikhael Al-Jamil, procurator of the Syrian Catholic Patriarchate in Rome.
The prelate, 71, said that in Iraq's social system, Christians have no supports to defend themselves, thus becoming easy victims of common criminals or terrorist groups. .
He said their situation can be called a "religious persecution" caused by a social system that is inspired by a view of the Quran, according to which Islam and its followers must dominate and regard believers of other religions as citizens with fewer rights.
The archbishop, expert in Arab culture and literature, explained that according to the Quran, Islam is a religion that is above all others.
Dear friends the entire article can be found in Catholic Culture on line.
While driving to school one morning, I was flipping through the car radio and I hear a tels-evangelist say " We are not persecuted for our religion here in American and in many other countries of Europe because evil people only persecute that which is different form them. Our religion has become like the culture----degenerate." I quote this as I remember it but non-the- less it is something to ponder.
Be well and God Bless
..Dear readers please keep in mind and in your prayers those suffering with HIV/AIDS. We ask that you remember us in your charitable gift giving:Francis House, 2028 Concord Ave., Camden, NJ. 08105 phone 856-541-5000.
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