Dear Friends: Since the issue of Abortion and Euthanasia are issues of life and death and that this week the debate on Obamacare is going forward, we need to focus on this issue again. At the end of this paper you will find some links for you to browse if you still are not sure whether or not American should adopt Socialized Medicine.
As St Paul has instructed us and I paraphrase here: Take your cares and prayers to the Father with CONFIDENCE. Strong word that "confidence". I think that we are not just to sit/kneel and pray for something and expect it to happen. I firmly believe that we need to get out there also and do our part in getting our prays answered. Catholicism has never been a passive religion, but rather one of getting our proverbial hand dirty. If you like (thank God) a larger number of Catholic Bishops are seeing Obamacare for what it is you need to work that telephone and voice your opposition to Abortion on demand and Senior Euthanasia.
.Here are some powerful quotes from the article:."ObamaCare rewards the youth vote that came out for Obama with a health care mirage that is meant to make them feel grateful, and punishes senior voters who came out for McCain with health care rationing that’s designed to get rid of them quickly. “...if you’re very old, we’re not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It’s too expensive…so we’re going to let you die.” So spoke Obama advisor Robert Reich".
"House Health Care Advisor, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, spoke of health care rationing by age, as well as limiting health care to those incapable of civic participation. Lee Siegel wrote, “Determining which treatments are cost effective at the end of a person’s life and which are not is one of Obama’s priorities. It’s one of the principal ways he counts on saving money and making universal health care affordable.”
"In the past politicians have tried segregation, redistricting and voter suppression as solutions… but none of those are enough at a national level. Nationalized health care however can effectively kill two birds with one stone, by getting rid of some of the elderly, and giving youth voters a new shiny toy that only works so long as they don’t use it. And of course giving back to Obama’s core demographic of corrupt unions, in this case the corrupt Marxist thugs of SEIU.When the Czars used to travel to see Russia, their subordinates would go before them erecting two dimensional facades of villages in order to create the illusion of a thriving peasantry. These villages were known as Potemkin villages after the Russian minister who originated the clever notion. Even with the rise of Communism, Potemkin villages continued to be constructed to hide the dismal truth. Even when Nixon visited Russia in 1972, he encountered more Potemkin villages. But when he overflew the sites he saw that the facades were nothing more than an illusion."
.A great analysis of the major problems with Obamacare were published by Daniel Greenfield in Canada Free Press.
From the Scotsman newspaper out of Edinburgh, Scotland an article on how the National Health Care System is spending MORE money and giving LESS services. Here is a link to the full article. This scenario seems to be the norm rather then the unusual..
Here are a few articles that deal with the health care issue.bishops conference:
Spanish Cardinal:
readers please keep in mind and in your prayers those suffering with HIV/AIDS. We ask that you remember us in your charitable gift giving:Francis House, 2028 Concord Ave., Camden, NJ. 08105 phone 856-541-5000.
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